How To Avoid Flu

Thursday, 23 May 2013 0 comments

The title is scary, "flu epidemic" "The hospital exceeding" The

media has certainly made the public aware of the recent outbreak
of the deadly flu. However, what does it really mean for you and me?

We have known for some time the possibility of an outbreak of severe flu. Fortunately, the flu vaccine this year, seems to coincide with the most common strain affecting our population. It is a great advantage for those who choose to be vaccinated.

However, not everybody is comfortable with the vaccine, and there are times when it is not sufficient to maintain health. Know what you are dealing with can help you make the right choices to protect your health and the health of those around you. To be healthy by choice, not by chance, here are some things to remember:

#The flu is a virus, not a bacterial infection. Antibiotics will not help the symptoms. They may also exacerbate problems if taken unnecessarily.

#The virus is highly contagious, which means it can easily contract by simple exposure.

The influenza virus is spread by respiratory droplets when a person coughs or sneezes.

#It can spread through the air when you breathe in.
The influenza virus can survive on hard surfaces for up to 8 hours, and the hands, making it easy to carry from person to person.
The main route of transmission is the mouth, nose and eyes. When you hit an affected area then this area faces, we introduce the virus into your system.

#Keep your hands to your face and away from this place if you are not 100% sure that your hands are germ.

#Be aware and hypervigilance in high-risk areas, such as schools, restaurants, large gatherings, all public areas, bathrooms, kitchens and hospitals / Dr. Office. Surfaces / items in high-risk areas have the potential for influenza to be present at all shared by other hard surfaces. Take caution.

#Flu-like symptoms should appear within 48 hours of exposure, but a real case influence can not be "confirmed" immediately.

#The young, old, infirm, and the most at risk, but all are susceptible to the virus. Reduced immunity due to age or pre-existing conditions weakened immune function, which makes the risk of serious complications such as pneumonia and most likely dead.
Take care of personal rule will significantly reduce the risk of disease. The CDC recommends that people at high risk for getting the flu vaccine as a precaution to the forefront.

#Antiviral drugs from your doctor, such as Tamiflu and Relenza can be taken to reduce the duration and severity of the disease, but only if taken within the first 48 hours after onset of symptoms.

#With the attention of the media, and the potential for rapid spread, many people are concerned about their personal safety. While this may seem like a new problem, prevention is the same as heard in the year. Here are the top ten ways to protect yourself against the flu.

1.Wash your hands! Wash and disinfect before eating, after using the toilet and often in between.

2.Keep your hands away from your face, especially the eyes, nose and mouth.

3.Cover your cough. Ideally cough up its sleeve in the arm (prevents the hand from hand to hand, and spread over the edge). Dispose of the tissue and wash your hands.

4.Keep at least a distance of weapons (we recommend a meter) between you and everyone knows they are sick.

5.Avoid crowded gatherings and events as possible. Wear a mask if you're concerned.

6.Be extremely careful when handling everyday items such as ketchup / mustard / salt / pepper / menu in a restaurant, or multi-purpose areas, such as desks, tables, switches, faucet handles, keyboards, back, fountain, water, cell phones, magazines, door handles, etc. and

7.Regular wash hard surfaces with disinfectant or bleach solution. Carry hand sanitizer and use it regularly. Note: Always wash with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty.

8.Keep your immune system strong by eating well, exercising, getting adequate rest, and proper supplementation of vitamins and minerals.

9.Stay home if you are sick with a fever and respiratory complications.

10.If you are seriously ill with fever and great pain and fatigue, contact your doctor within the first 48 hours of onset of symptoms (sooner the better) to get antiviral drugs. This can reduce the severity of symptoms and duration of illness.

The bottom line: it is a serious disease, but to understand how the virus is spreading and taking precautions can keep you healthy. Even if you are unlucky enough to contract the disease, ask a doctor early, the chances of getting sick with no problems nice.

Remember that knowledge is power. Be proactive. I can not wait to see if you get sick, take basic precautions to avoid them. The power! Use what you know to stay healthy this flu season and more.Lastly,remember to take care your health or ot may cause serious flu


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